World Posture Summit - Move Better, Feel Better, Live Better

Important Message For All Health Professionals, Coaches, Trainers, Or Wellness Industry Experts

As a health and wellness entrepreneur, it is important that you are on the cutting edge of what it takes to help your patients, clients, customers, leads, network, and community achieve sustainable health.

Yet, one of the most overlooked areas of concern is that of POSTURE!

People do not realize that text-neck is a real problem or why flexibility and mobility play a crucial role in overall health, or what to do if their posture has become misaligned.

You need to share the facts which is why we have sought out one of the greatest minds on this subject, Dr. Krista Burns!

Meet Dr. Krista Burns, World-Renowned Doctor, Author, And Speaker

A message for you from Dr. Krista:

I had trained my entire life to be an Olympic mogul skier. It was the morning of US Ski Team Selections when my life changed forever. I suffered a career-ending fall and was pulled from the competition with excruciating back pain. My skiing career was over, and my health was the worst it had ever been.

Passionate about recovery I took action into my own hands and sought my first doctorate degree. It wasn’t until I eventually specialized in Posture that everything turned around. I had finally uncovered the missing health component. I had turned my life around, and was getting life changing results in practice with patients everyday.

I studied and learned everything there is about posture. I became a Certified Posture Expert, then a Certified Postural Neurologist, and a Certified Ergonomist, along with 40 other certifications. The more I learned the more I realized how many people needed postural correction. "Posture is declining at the speed of technology". Everywhere I look people present with poor posture predisposing them to the posture epidemics of Tech Neck, Sitting Disease, and Digital Dementia. That’s when I knew we needed to create a global event to create awareness. For the World Posture Summit, I teamed up with the leading Posture Experts to provide you with postural correction solutions to share to your community.

What You Will Learn…

If you fall into one (or more) of these categories, then you NEED to register and show up…

-Health Coach
-Functional Medicine
-Personal Trainer
-Physical Therapy
-Wellness Advocate
-Yoga Instructor
-Life Coach
-Functional Neurology
-Or any other business where you offer programs and advice that will change lives

Again, if you identify with one or more of the above industries, you NEED to sign up for this training and Q&A.

During this experience, we will ask Dr. Krista Burns specific questions including…

-Why should posture be a topic of conversation for all health and wellness entrepreneurs?
-What is the World Posture Summit?
-Why should a member of the SYNDUIT tribe support the World Posture Summit?
-What is your personal WHY behind your posture movement?

You are going to love the passion and drive that Dr. Krista brings to everything that she does and we encourage you to register and show up for this wonderful opportunity!

We Will See You On Thursday, May 10th at 8pm ET (5pm PT)